Why Work With Lisa Shorr

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Real World Business Experience

Lisa has 25 years’ experience in running two successful businesses.  She has coached or consulted with hundreds of businesses on how to harness the power of Executive Presence and Personal Branding to stand up and stand out as an expert in their industry.

Personal Branding Expert

Lisa brings a unique perspective to help businesses solve customer service challenges. She aligns her degree in Marketing with her expansive training in Image Consulting to teach leaders how to build critical communication skills to become more memorable and intentional leaders that inspires, influences and engages their teams, clients and peers.


Lisa’s mission is to bring on a new perspective and make a paradigm shift from thinking that all we need are technical skills, to knowing, it’s the essential soft skills that really make or break a brand.

The B.R.A.N.D. Method

Lisa teaches from first-hand experience. Her own IT business went through a dark period of struggle with poor morale, client churn and slow growth.

She shifted her mindset and leadership style and focused on enhancing the “soft skills” of her very technically focused team. She created professional development workshops on empathetic communication, emotional intelligence, effective phone skills and nonverbal communication.

Lisa has taken her years of coaching her own team and curated it into a proven method called The B.R.A.N.D. Method.

The B.R.A.N.D. Method is a program that teaches how to build empathetic, emotionally intelligent and impactful communicators in an organization. Starting with the power of a growth mindset, Lisa then focuses on:

B – Professional Behaviors that build relationships.

R – How to Respect yourself, your corporate brand and your client’s brand

A – The Power of your Appearance and the nonverbal communication it conveys

N – Effective Networking skills to build relationships.

D – Using Dynamic Dialogue when communicating in all situations.

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