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Nantucket Reds – A Rhode Islander’s Perspective

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We often classify various regions of the country as having a signature style. Texans love their cowboy boots and hats. Bostonians have a preppy chic, Ralph Lauren look. Nantucket has it’s “Nantucket Reds.”

I recently spent a very relaxing weekend on the beautiful island of Nantucket. My husband found a “deal” on If you haven’t checked this site out, you should! I packed for this trip knowing that this is the most expensive island around. I excitedly stepped into our puddle jumper plane with eight other stylishly dressed passengers. Ne’r a single pair of denim could be seen! Peering around the plane, I noticed Tory Burch shoes and travel bag, Polo by Ralph Lauren,Vineyard Vines logos and other top brands in wonderful garden colors of tans, salmon, blues and yellows. I could not wait to step off the plane!

Leaving the tiny airport, I started to see a trending color. This color was very distinct and primarily worn by men. My husband was intent on making a purchase but I, being in the fashion biz. needed to know the origins of Nantucket Reds.

Nantucket Window Shopping!
Nantucket Window Shopping!

Like most areas, Main Street is the shopping mecca of the island. Gorgeously designed windows with stunning mannequins promoting the latest high-end fashions lined the busy street. My husband and I strolled down the uneven brick sidewalks, shifted over the years thanks to its sand foundation, in search of the store, the origin of Nantucket Reds. After a short walk, we stopped, smiled with satisfaction;– Murray’s Toggery Shop.

According to store Manager John Murray, his Grandfather Phillip and father Phillip C. originally made pants and shorts of discarded of red sailcloth from Scallop Boaters in the 1960’s. The New York Yacht Club uniforms provided inspiration for this classic preppy look. The greatest appeal is to watch the red fade, wash after wash, to that perfect brick red color.

A brick façade of Nantucket Reds pants, shorts, trousers lined the walls! My husband pulled a few items off of the shelves and went right into the fitting room. He ended up with a pair of Bermuda style shorts. He was so excited you would think I just bought him a new Tesla! But alas, for many, including my husband, and me finding that new special article of clothing to add to our closet is such a gratifying feeling!

Recently we went to dinner in Rhode Island. He proudly donned his Nantucket Reds. Looking around the restaurant and the bustling streets around us, Eric’s bright shorts glowed in a sea of khakis. We chuckled as if this was an inside joke, we knew if we were back on the island, he would fit right in and seeing red!


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